Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Burst of something. In a good way.

So I guess yeah I got an urge to ask Ryan to the Dinner Dance during 3rd period after Tommy tripped me. Don't worry, that's his way of flirting. He's one of those.
And I decided that if he said he was going with someone I'd act all excited and say "that's great!" and if he got really quiet and got a confused look on his face I'd say, "As friends, of course. What do you think I meant?"
So I called him after school. And he didn't answer. I wanted to ask him in person but Lili said I should ask him before someone else does so I called him yeah and as I already said he didn't answer. And I was on the elliptical machine when he called like an hourish later.
R:"what's up?"
and I sort of meandered into asking with whom he was going to Dinner Dance...
S: who are you going to Dinner dance with?
R:"right now I'm actually not entirely sure, why?
And I thought oh shoot he's going to ask Opel, isn't he?
S: We should go together.
R: Actually, I was going to ask you, Soph.
WHAT?! yay...!!
R: I was planning on it. But Prue Mason told Lindsay LaBret that I was going to ask her. I wasn't actually going to... but now I feel obligated to take her. I don't know what I'm going to do, or if I'm even going to go.
S: well, you should go with who you want to go with... if that's Lindsay, you should take her. And if you don't want to go, you should not go.
R: I don't know. I just... I don't know. And apparently I'm hanging out with Opel tommarow.
And I thought, here we go...
S: "Oh? that will be good."
R:"Yeah I guess.
S: "It will give you more insight into where you both stand."
R: I don't know. We both know that she doesnt always follow through with what she says.
S: Yeah...
R: I'm really sorry I didn't pick up, when you called earlier... I'm at work.
S: Ryan you didn't have to call! I'm sorry to be keeping you.
R: No, it's no problem.
S: and you called an hour after I called... don't apoligize for that... you didn't have to call. Thank you.
R: Hey, no prob. But I should get back to work.
S: Oh! Okay.
R: I'll call you later.
(which in Ryan language means "I'll see you tommarow morning")
S: Okay- bye!
R: bye.

so here's the summary:
Ryan planned to ask me to Dinner Dance. Prue told Lindsay that he was going to ask Lindsay. Now he doesnt know. And he's hanging out with Opel tommarow.
How icky, and yet I feel like I'm floating.

infinite xs and os

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