Monday, April 16, 2007

The Look.

normally when a boy looks at me... really looks at me in that certain way... I can figure that they likely have a thing for me, or are attracted to me. But with Ryan, who is, read: my best friend, he looks at me, really looks at me, ALL THE TIME.
So... when he tells me today that he and Opel talked last night, and I swear, he gives me this LOOK like he's testing me, I say, "Oh? how is she? I haven't talked to her."
Well apparently she called him because she was excited about her new cellphone. I wish she'd leave the poor child alone. He's tried so hard to get over her, and I actually think he is... and she persists in such a way that she doesnt give him the CHANCE to really get over her completely.
I said, "that's good, you know, that she called you to to talk. She reached out."
he got this look in his eyes that said that that wasn't the reaction he wanted. and then he said, "Yeah. uh- see you later." and his eyes looked really warm and un-ryan-ish.

my goodness gracious!!

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